Course Syllabus

Windermere Preparatory School

World Language Department


Honors Spanish III Syllabus



Instructor: Tara Akkerman, M.Ed.



Course Description:

In this third year of language instruction, students will begin to move from communicating in prescribed situations to being able to use the language to freely express themselves in more complex and creative ways. They will draw upon a strong grammatical base and continue to acquire new vocabulary while sharpening their critical thinking skills and ability to discern comprehensible input. All communication at this level uses solely the target language, and students will become increasingly aware of appropriate intonation and accurate pronunciation. Particular emphasis will be given to the International Baccalaureate criteria of language, message and cultural interaction. By focusing on the receptive (listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) abilities, and exploring the rich and varied cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, we will create a solid and dynamic skill set to successfully use and enjoy the language in a wide variety of real-life situations. Spanish III is a course in which students can earn one credit toward their requirements in world language. Students will be welcomed into the class upon successful completion of Spanish II (or approved equivalent), and Spanish III is in turn the prerequisite for entry into the IB Spanish program.


Textbook: Descubre Nivel 3 by Vistas Higher Learning


Supplemental Resources


In-Class Materials

Students should come to class with the following items:


  • Textbook-students are required to bring their textbook to class. Failure to do so not only puts the student behind, but also becomes an inconvenience for the class and will be duly noted.
  • Notebook and binder-students will be expected to take notes in class and to compile a binder consisting of returned assignments, handouts, projects, quizzes, tests, etc.
  • Pens, pencils, highlighter, paper, etc. Please consider mechanic pencils over those that need to be sharpened.
  • Computers-laptops should be brought to class every day, but should only be opened at the teacher’s request. All use of laptops in class should be Spanish-related.




Grades will be computed using the “points system”. Students will be made aware of the point value associated with each assignment with ample notice.



Expectations of Student

Expectations for a successful classroom experience can be summed up in one word: respect. You are expected to respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and all school property. Come to class on time and be prepared to participate. Specific details concerning student class behavior may be found in your student handbook. All school policies concerning behavior and discipline will be enforced. You are expected to uphold the Honor Code at all times. Following the school policy will ensure a productive and enjoyable classroom environment for everyone.


Expectations of Teacher

Students can expect me to guide and help them throughout the language learning process. I strive to be present in every sense of the word. Also, constructive feedback will be provided both written and orally. Email me or come talk to me during office hours. I am here for you!


Classroom Environment

It is imperative in foreign language acquisition that we maintain a low affect and create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable. In order to learn, students must produce. And in order to produce, students must be encouraged and guided in a positive way in the formative process. Negative commentary towards other students or teasing will not be tolerated. Everyone learns at different speeds and has difficulty with different aspects of language learning.


Power Standards

  1. Interpersonal Speaking and Listening—Engage in conversation to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, or exchange opinions.


  1. Reading and Writing—Understand and interpret and/or respond to written language on a variety of topics in order to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, or exchange opinions.

  2. Interpretive Listening—Understand and interpret spoken language on a variety of topics.


  1. Presentational Speaking—Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a variety of topics.


  1. Presentational Writing—Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of readers on a variety of topics.



Any discussion about retaking an assessment must be conducted in person and after school. This is to provide you with an opportunity for either you to disclose or us to uncover together what went wrong during the first attempt. All missing formative assignments and assessment corrections must be completed as a prerequisite. Please keep in mind that the time you spend retaking assessments takes away from the time you could be spending on current material.

Academic Honesty

Please note the extreme importance of adhering to the WPS policies for Academic Dishonesty. These policies are found in the WPS Student Handbook. The use of online translators (Google Translate, Babelfish, etc.) and/or copying and pasting from them is strictly prohibited and will be considered cheating. Typing English sentences or groups of sentences into the online translator does not instill any sort of Spanish education.



Class participation includes consistent, on-time attendance to both class and/or interactive sessions, oral participation, coming to class with all necessary materials, submitting electronic assessments on time, listening and taking notes, and showing respect for teachers, classmates, and school property.   Learning a foreign language requires daily participation and practice. Students will be expected to try to communicate in Spanish in class, and to study and practice at home.


Topics/Themes to be Studied this Year

  • Las relaciones personales
  • Las diversiones
  • La vida diaria
  • La salud y el bienestar
  • Los viajes
  • La naturaleza
  • La tecnología y la ciencia
  • La economía y el trabajo
  • La cultura popular y los medios de comunicación
  • La literatura y el arte

Course Summary:

Date Details Due